#Blogtober2021 Day Almost the End: “#FridayFeed Videodrome–THE REVENGE!”

Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com

How’s that for a title!

Hey gang, I figured it was about time for another #FridayFeed post, and I have a bunch of videos I’ve collected over the last few weeks that you may enjoy, so here’s your bit of weekend entertainment.

Hit me up in the comments and let me know your favorite. Leggo!


I’m a fan of Doctor Who (at least up until the current incarnation which is…not good). This video explores what may be one of my very favorite episodes of New-Who, featuring what is probably my favorite version of The Doctor from this era of the show). This may not interest you if you’re not familiar with Who, but it does provide a great analysis of how science fiction can be used to examine themes like loss.

I first saw Sam Perry on the Austrailian version of the TV show The Voice. This Beatles cover is stellar.

If there’s any possible way to redeem a Nickelback song, Alex Melton’s the guy to do it.

I loved this video about how lo-fi music works. It totally makes sense why I love it when I’m trying to pull a late-night work session.

Okay, one more Peter Capaldi clip because seriously, this dude just kills it as The Doctor. You don’t need context for this one, but I just love this monologue (one of the very few moments of the show that breaks the fourth wall).

You’ve probably heard the story of how Orson Welles’ Mercury Theater production of War of the Worlds created a nationwide panic. Well, the truth is…probably not that extreme. However, this retrospective of the broadcast and aftermath (from “Inside a Mind”) is fascinating and well worth your time, exploring a possible reason why that panic myth was spread.

And if you’re interested in listening to the WotW broadcast in its entirety, here you go:

Austin McConnell’s video on why escape rooms sometimes don’t work or aren’t done well is interesting (although he doesn’t give much in the way of recommendations for how to make them better). Still, worth a look if you’re into that.

POMPLAMOOSE / MOBY – “Extreme Ways” — SO. GOOD.


That’s it, gang. Have a great weekend. I’ll have something new for you next week!

#Blogtober2021 Day Whatever: We’re fine, we’re all fine here, now, thanks… How are you?

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Just popping in here to say: I’m doing okay. Lots going on.

  • My grandfather died at the end of last week, bringing the (hopefully) final total to 3 extended family members who passed away this month. All three had serious medical conditions. It’s still sad.
  • Work life is busy, church life is busy; both are stressful, both are blessings.
  • My household’s doing okay. My kids have colds and aren’t sleeping that consistently this week. We’re all feeling a bit exhausted. But down here in the southland, we’re now enjoying a brief cool spell, so that means more time outside this week, which is good for everyone’s disposition.
  • My wife and I are trying to buy our first home and realizing we’re a bit out of our depth with this process. Thankful for a good realtor to hold our hands (and keep our heads above water).
  • Again, I may not post much more this week. But I’m doing okay. Still not getting my sleeping schedule and eating habits (or caffeine consumption) in proper balance. Hope to do that next week, as I take some time off work and spend time with my family. November reset, here we come.

That’s it, that’s what I got. Let me know how I can pray for you in the comments. Talk to you later.

#Blogtober2021 Day 19: When your heart’s not in it, maybe then you stop.

Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

This may be my last post of the week. This “daily blogging” thing was a fun idea, but I just don’t know if I can keep up with the demand. There’s just too much clamoring for my mind and heart right now. I don’t have anyting of value to give you, and I already feel like I’ve been wasting your time.

I lost another extended family member this morning. Again, Covid plus chronic health issues. Still hurts.

I’m also feeling overwhelmed with a lot of little life details right now, unrelated to that. So the added weight of that just makes the rest of it a bit harder.

I’m going to be fine. I just need to take care of some other things right now. Blogging must wait.

When I have something to say, I promise I’ll be back to say it. And hey, just making it this far into the month, I’ve already posted more than I have the previous 6 months or so combined. So we can call that a success.

Talk to you later, friends.

#Blogtober2021 Day 17: When The Pandemic Hits Home.

“C’mon, do you actually know anyone who has died from COVID?”

For me, the answer is now yes.

A family member who had lived for years with a chronic health condition got COVID, got quickly worse, and died this morning. This was someone who I haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with but for whom I still have a good deal of fondness. My heart breaks for her husband, a brilliant and funny man with a big heart who is now a widower after 40 years of marriage, and her son, a young man who loves his family dearly.

I don’t want to say much more than that, at the risk of violating their privacy. But this stings in a way I didn’t expect.

In times like this, it’s good to remember what’s true.

What is my only hope in life and death? That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my salvation. Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily willing and ready from now on to live for him.

Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day Question 1

#Blogtober2021 Day 16: Dave-a-palooza

At the risk of this blog devolving into merely a daily diary, one more personal post.

Today was the third and final day of birthday celebrations. We had my folks, sisters, and brother-in-law over for a cookout and visit. Always a blessing. The food turned out well too.

The birthday “palooza” was born out of my family’s tradition of making birthdays a really big deal, even a multi-day celebration. I didn’t intend for this year to be a “palooza” year, but that’s how it turned out. A day with my wife and daughters, a day with two dear church families, and a day with our local relatives. Unexpected, but I think I needed it. The last few weeks have been tough. This was good.

Now, headed to bed. Tomorrow, we gather to worship Jesus and enjoy our fellowship as a church family. A weekly blessing, too often taken for granted.

#Blogtober2021 Day 15: Oops, I did it again.

“I played on my tablet… got lost in a game…”

That’s literally what happened. Some dear friends came over this evening to celebrate my birthday. A delightful time of fellowship and delicious pizza and cheesecake.

Once that was over, everyone went home, and we had finished cleaning up, I started playing a puzzle game on my tablet called The Room 2. Basically a combo puzzle-box / escape room style game. Aaaaand I lost track of time.

It’s time for bed. Streak broken. Oh well. Catch ya later on today.

#Blogtober2021: Forty-one Random Facts About Me.

Photo by Flora Westbrook on Pexels.com
  1. When I was in high school, we had a very hard-working drama teacher but no actual theater department (or budget), so we put on a “Broadway Revue”-style production when I was in 11th or 12th grade. I sang “Empty Chairs and Empty Tables” from Les Miserables and brought the house down. Grown men wept. (At least, that’s how I remember it.)
  2. I’m a Chicago Cubs fan for 3 main reasons: because my dad was; because we could watch the games on WGN; and because Ryne Sandberg was a beast (and is still my favorite ballplayer of all time).
  3. I read The Chronicles of Narnia 3 times through in elementary school, and almost completed a 4th run but decided to skip Dawn Treader, my least favorite of the series as a child. When I reread the series as an adult, it became one of my favorites.
  4. I still vividly remember when my parents gave me a copy of Super Mario Brothers 3 (as a surprise on the way home from school in 4th grade). I remember the car my dad was driving (a 1980 Plymouth Champ), how he told me to reach under the passenger seat, the tactile sensation of feeling that signature shape of the NES game box (with that delightful bit of “give” when you pressed down on the front of the box) inside its plastic shopping bag, and being thrilled with the prospect of receiving any new game. I remember pulling the game out of the plastic Kmart bag, freaking out, and then running in the house when we got home to thank my mom and then pop that cartridge in.
  5. Another favorite childhood memories related to that game was staying up on a Friday night with my mom and playing through (no whistles) all the way to World 6, fueled by pizza and Pepsi/Mountain Dew, until the pre-dawn hours. Mom was never much of a gamer, but she did enjoy Mario. And she beat the original Super Mario Brothers before I did, which I don’t know if I have ever forgiven her for.
  6. I worked at a grocery store in high school: first as a bag boy, then a dairy clerk, a utility (clean-up and trash) clerk, and a grocery clerk. Part of my responsibilities with those last two roles was scrubbing the loading dock floor every day with the scrubber. I’d get bored during all those solo hours that last summer before leaving for college, so I’d make up songs and sing them to myself as I worked. At one point, I had an idea to write a parody musical of Les Mis about students who were addicted to caffeine. (It’s an idea that still might work in the age of online video.)
  7. Foods I used to despise as a child but now enjoy as an adult: Mayonnaise, avocado/guacamole, strawberries, brussel sprouts, moderate-to-highly spicy food, raw cucumbers/tomatoes (but only in certain dishes).
  8. Foods I used to despise as a child and still can’t stand as an adult: Pickles, cucumbers (most of the time), melons.
  9. While we’re on the subject of food, I think pineapple on pizza is delicious, candy corn is a delightful Halloween snack, and BooBerry is far and away the best of the General Mills Monster Cereals.
  10. My favorite era of pop music was the period when I was just starting to drive and listen to the radio on my own. So we’re talking early-mid-90’s top-40 and alternative. Gimme a mix tape with Gin Blossoms, Ben Folds, Cranberries, Collective Soul, and Spin Doctors, and I’m a pretty happy man.
  11. And yes, I mean mix-tape. Mixtapes are better than mix CDs, for the simple reason that the power of the mix tape is that you can’t skip tracks. The listener must necessarily just be along for the ride and trust the sonic direction the tape-maker is taking him or her. I’ve enjoyed this as both the maker and listener. (One time, a friend made me a mix CD in which he melded tracks together so that only 4 “tracks” came up, and each one had 2-3 songs on it. That annoyed me because it seemed to defy the inherentexpectations of the format, and at the time, I didn’t appreciate what he was attempting.)
  12. I don’t know if I could give you a list of my top-five favorite novels. I used to be able to. These days, I have a hard time recalling what I’ve read in the last six months. There are a few titles that float to the surface of memory, but then I realize I haven’t read them in more than 15 years and I’m afraid of what would happen if I revisited them now, much less recommended them to others. Things have changed. (I should hope so.) But if you were to ask me for a recommendation of something everyone should read, I might say The Pilgrim’s Progress or A Tale of Two Cities.
  13. My favorite Bible verse at the moment (and as close to a “life verse” or theme verse as I have) is Ezra 7:10. “For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” If my life has a mission statement, it’s probably something pretty close to that.
  14. I’m trying to read a lot more theology these days, both for personal benefit and as a matter of practical helps in ministry. As a Reformed-ish Baptist, I know that my favorite theologian is supposed to be Spurgeon (and he’s a close second), but I think my current favorite is actually Martyn Lloyd-Jones. (So much so that one of my fantasy football team names is “Martyn Lloyd-Jones-Drew.” I’m pretty proud of that.)
  15. I was a theatre minor in college. Know how you can tell? I spelled it “theatre.”
  16. It’s currently 2:15 a.m. as I’m writing the first part of this list. I’m taking a break from work. I’ve been working late a lot over the last few weeks. It’s not optimal, but this is the only stretch of uninterrupted hours available. Life as a work-from-home parent of toddlers, I guess. I’ve been working from home since the forever-plague kicked things into chaos last March. I love working from home–wouldn’t trade it for anything. But seriously, my kingdom for a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, some days.
  17. I’m an elder/pastor at our church (part of a group of elders who lead and teach). Been serving in that role for 3 years. I almost quit a few different times over the last year. I also strongly considered not standing for a re-appointment at the end of my term this coming January. Shepherding is hard. It’s draining. It’s often thankless and emotionally fraught. But I love it. I love being a lay-pastor in my congregation. I love teaching, preaching, praying, counselling. I love being able to help think through big decisions that we must make as a church body. And if I did actually step away, I’d miss it terribly.
  18. I’m realizing how incredibly boring this post may be for some of you.
  19. I’m the “4th” Dave because my father is the 3rd. The first two in the series lived in Virginia during the Civil War. My grand parents were history buffs, thus they picked up the thread of David’s in the family line.
  20. I’m often asked if I would continue that trend. I don’t quite know. But at this point, I have all girls, so it doesn’t matter.
  21. My wife and I are strongly considering making our first home purchase, which both thrills and terrifies me.
  22. My favorite video game of all time is probably “The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.” “Shadow of the Colossus” comes a close second. Confession: I’m not sure I’ve actually finished either of them.
  23. Easily 65% of my “Music” playlist on YouTube is comprised of interesting covers, rather than original music.
  24. I love karaoke. Love. It. And my “rockstar dream” is literally to be the front man of a covers band. That would be a blast.
  25. I just downloaded the game “Monument Valley” onto my tablet. It’s a gorgeous little puzzle game. Short but highly recommended.
  26. I’ve never played an actual escape room and have always wanted to.
  27. I have a really interesting novel in my head, a half-dozen chapters of which exist on a hard drive somewhere. I can’t shake the thought of it but I’m also terrified that if I sit down and write it, I won’t do it justice.
  28. I know, this makes me exactly like every other non-writing writer.
  29. I’ve taken work trips to conferences in Boston, Orlando, Albuquerque, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Washington D.C., and San Diego.
  30. Other than San Diego, I’ve never travelled along the West Coast, but I’d like to change that someday.
  31. I went to college in central Oklahoma. Lived in a small college town. I miss those days sometimes. Simple life: school, part-time job, usually play practice or some social event.
  32. On the other hand, I have to say I’m really thankful for where God has brought me up to this point. Amazing wife, wonderful daughters, rewarding ministry alongside much beloved brothers. I’m thankful. I don’t deserve any of this.
  33. The last year has been hard at times. The forever-plague has served to draw out the crazy and ugly in a lot of folks, including some I know and trust.
  34. Through it all, God has been faithful, as He always is.
  35. (I don’t think I’ll finish this before midnight.)
  36. Yes, I realize the 41 “random facts” have devolved into just statements.
  37. Cut me some slack. It’s near midnight and I’m totally spent.
  38. Three points left. I have nothing to add.
  39. Thank you for reading this far. I really really appreciate y’all.
  40. Good night, God bless, get some sleep.
  41. It was my birthday today. It was a good one. Looking forward to the year to come. God is good.

#Blogtober2021 Day 13: Fall is (almost) in the air.

It’s almost Fall, y’all.

While some of you in the US may be raising a puzzled eyebrow at this, what with your mild temperatures and low humidity, where I live near the Gulf Coast, it’s still hot as blazes. Today’s hitting 90. In mid-October. 90 degrees, people.


Saturday is bringing the first blessed wave of cooler air that will actually make a difference in the forecast, as we say goodbye to temps in the 90s and hello to…well, I mean, not *sweater* weather for another month or so, but at least it won’t be humid and gross if you walk outside for more than a minute. On Saturday, I plan to spend most of the day outside, playing with the kids and grilling a ton of meat for a birthday get-together with family.

So, in celebration of the changing of the seasons (finally–FINALLY!), I’d like to share this bit of greatness from The Holderness Family.

On their behalf, the 4thDaveBlog proudly presents: “Every Fall Hallmark Movie.”

(If you haven’t watched their other stuff, this is actually part of a series [alluded to in the video]. The first Christmas one is still my favorite.)

#Blogtober2021 Day 12: To Be Read.

My TBR stack is getting out of hand.

And no, that’s not my entire TBR stack. Not even close. Not by a longshot.

I have a TBR bookshelf, y’all. A bookshelf of not-yet-read books. And a tablet with maybe a couple hundred more.

What’s pictured there is the current priority list of the TBR–books I pulled out of the TBR about 3 months ago, thinking that maybe I could make a dent in these over the next 7 months or so. (Of course, I’ve added about 8 to those stacks, while only finishing maybe…2?)

And that doesn’t count the stack of 4-6 in-progress books in the living room next to the comfy chair–a chair that, these days, I mainly sit in only when I’m feeding a baby.

Also, I have 3 novels I just checked out from the library on a whim. Because I have a problem.

So far this year, I’ve finished reading 16 books. While I’m glad for that much progress, normally I will finish between 30-40 in a calendar year, so I’m definitely way under my normal pace. No big surprise as to why, with a new baby and a more hectic work and preaching/teaching schedule this summer.

But it’s still a bit frustrating. I love reading. I just don’t do it much these days. There’s always something “more important” to be done, or my mind is just so tired from work at the end of the day that I want something easy. (The sign of a lazy mind–something I should be working on training?)

I’m hopeful that I can turn this around–I mean, obviously, as I’m still checking out library books. I just hate the thought of all these books in my house, unread. I should do something about that.

Here’s my “currently-reading” stack (from memory, so there may be gaps), and for the record, I’m not even halfway through any of them so far:

  • Preaching and Preachers – D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
  • Lectures to my Students – Charles Spurgeon
  • The Daring Mission of William Tyndale – Steven Lawson
  • Holiness – JC Ryle
  • Gentle and Lowly – Dane Ortlund
  • The Invisible Man – H.G. Wells
  • The Complete Husband – Lou Priolo

What are you reading these days? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

#Blogtober2021 Day 11: A case of the Mondays.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

I’ve got a lot to do, I’m pretty tired from the girls waking up crying during a pre-dawn storm, and I don’t want to have to worry about coming up with something worth reading today. Sorry, gang. I’m punting on this one.

But I’m also posting to acknowledge it, so that at least I don’t break the chain.

(Incidentally, I had originally posted a video of Evanescence covering Fleetwood Mac’s “The Chain” to close out this post, but I took it down because the song has some milder profanities in it. I wrestle sometimes with whether posting such things will offend the conscience of a good portion of my readership. I don’t want to throw stuff on here callously, but it’s also tricky to account for the large range of sensitivities of conscience [or possibly the numb spots in my own heart]. But that’s more introspection than I have time for this morning, so I’ll just say, if you are interested, and aren’t too bovvered by the swears, that song’s out there and it’s a rocker.)

Talk to you tomorrow.