*tap, tap, tap*

Been a while. Hope you’re well.

Things are pretty good. Irons in the fire. Haven’t really been *making* anything for a bit. I was doing that podcast, and that was good, but I let some technical challenges be the reason (excuse) to pause production almost 3 months ago. I think I’m gonna pick that up again soon, and finish what I promised to finish.

I also want to start writing again. I miss it. It’s not even that I have anything burning to say; I just feel like I need a bit more creative outflow. I consume ideas–or at least, content. (Point of fact, I spend too much time watching Youtube reactors so I can enjoy a vicarious thrill as others discover and experience for the first time songs and movies that I love. And then, I hate just a little bit that I watch so much of that. It seems so…mentally sedentary.)

But I miss blogging. I miss sharing cool things with you, the mystery reader, the imaginary audience.

You’re probably all gone now, though. All the folks I knew from past eras of my life who had stuck around through the ups and downs. You’re good folks, and I hope you’re happy and having adventures.

Lots of memories over 20+ years of inconsistent blogging across all my pages.

This blog is a house full of shadows. Spiderwebs. Pirouetting dust particles and beams of light through cracks in the walls.

I suddenly have the feeling that I’ve written some version of this post about six times. Maybe that’s the lifecycle of a blog. First blush, early excitement, hitting the prime, getting too busy, feeling guilty, slowly slowly writing less until it’s a “sorry for the gap” post per every 3-4 posts of true content, then less, then nothing. Rinse and repeat.

This time, it’s been nine months of nothing. This blog has carried an anti-baby of silence since July.

Now I’m just talking rubbish. “Knocking off the rust,” as I’ve often said in posts like these.

Rust has been knocked. Post has been written. Publish the rubbish, and then come back and do it again, Dave.

What provoked all of this? A Youtube video. Naturally.

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